Authentic barbeque stands for baking the whole animal on fire, but these days, except for a few occasions, people usually cook 2” meat.
T-bone meat will have Newyork striped meat on one side and tenderloin meat on the other side. The tenderloin part will be the tasty one, and the New York striped meat will be a great one for chewing. This brings all the needed energy components to the body.
To prepare the best roasted BBQ T-Bone steak, you will need the following ingredients:
- 2” thick T-bone steak
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Kosher salt
- Black pepper
- Take a cleaned T-bone steak.
- Put extra virgin olive oil all over the meat slice.
- Put Kosher salt and black pepper powder on it and spread it across. The salt helps to remove the moisture from the t-bone.
- Flip the T-bone steak and follow the same steps by applying oil, salt, and pepper powder. Allow the T-bone to reach room temperature.
- Heat one side of the grill at 500° to 600°.
- Place the t-bone on the green side of the grill.
- Once the strip side’s internal temperature reaches 115°, flip and sear on the hot side until you feel that it’s baked to your liking.
After 5 minutes, the roasted BBQ T-Bone Steak is ready to be served. Enjoy the perfectly grilled Roasted BBQ T-Bone Steak Authentic with your loved ones.