Home » Why Bitter Foods Are Better For Your Health

Why Bitter Foods Are Better For Your Health

by agu1000

We usually make faces when we get to know that the bitter gourd is cooked for lunch or dinner. The surprising thing is that we know that bitter foods are better for our health. This post is to learn more about why they are better for our health.

  • Bitter food contains acetic acid. They are good antioxidants. Apple cider vinegar is one such bitter substance.
  • Bitter foods are great sources of vitamins A, C, and K. Vitamin A is good for vision, and vitamin C is a great booster of bone health. Vitamin K takes care of healing wounds. Arugula, bitter gourd, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage are a few veggies in this regard.
  • They are rich in fibre, potassium, calcium, folate, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Dandelion greens can be named for all these things.
  • They protect us from various cancers. Arugula and kale are such bitter vegetables.
  • They are good at promoting gut health. Broccoli is a main vegetable in this regard.
  • They are good at managing heart and bone health. Cocoa, eggplant, grapefruit, kale, and sesame are helpful.
  • A few bitter foods also help in blood clotting, which can save lives due to the overflow of blood. Brussels sprouts play a major role in this matter.
  • Bitter foods are very helpful for digestion. Cabbage, dill, mint, and kale must be added for this issue.
  • They protect us from skin issues. Kale and citrus peel are known as remedies for skin issues.
  • They are good at controlling type 2 diabetes. Cocoa and coffee are two substances.
  • They reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Cranberries are helpful in this regard.
  • They help control cholesterol and are helpful in managing blood cholesterol levels.  Dandelion greens and eggplant are such veggies.
  • They help us build a great immune system. Grapefruit helps in this matter. 
  • They are good at burning fat and are thus helpful in weight reduction. Grapefruit and green tea can be relied on for this.
  • Good food for brain cells, and thus are helpful in managing brain health. Cocoa and green tea are the sources.
  • They are good at controlling hair loss. Kale is such a substance.
  • They help with issues like arthritis. Sesame seeds are the most reliable for such health issues.

They give a bitter taste to our taste buds, but they are the sweetest foods for the body. Just add a few spices to them to make them tastier, and enjoy the benefits of them.

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