Home » How Healthy Is Pear and Caramel Tarte Tatin

How Healthy Is Pear and Caramel Tarte Tatin

by agu1000

Pear and caramel tarte tatin is a tasty food. You will really love to eat it. This food is a source of 

Vitamin C and Vitamin K. Still, how healthy is a pear and caramel tarte tatin? Let’s look at the ingredients.


Pear and caramel tarte tatin contains sugar syrup. This sugar might be causing diabetes and weight gain. Sugar has effects on your beauty too, as it can cause acne on your face. More sugar can cause fatty liver disease and kidney disease. Sugar consumption can cause serious heart diseases and cancer, and it may be the reason for your mood swings or depression.

Sugar has a direct effect on aging skin. We usually see kids suffering from toothaches. One definite reason for this is the sugar intake of kids. They love to eat sweets as they are tongue tasters, and toothache is a reverse gift.

All Purpose Flour

All-purpose flour is refined flour. Refined flour increases fat storage in the body and resists burning fat. Additionally, it might encourage intestinal inflammation, which harms your metabolism and makes you gain weight. Refined flour can cause type 2 diabetes. Following insulin resistance, refined carbohydrates raise the risk of developing diabetes.

We all love tasty food, but health is much more important than tasty food. Let us choose food that is health-oriented and stay healthy.


  • Pear is beneficial for controlling diabetes. Control over sugar levels can help reduce the risk of stroke.
  • Pear is a good resource for managing the constipation problem.
  • The antioxidant quality of the pear helps reduce cholesterol levels, which in turn protects against heart disease.

Hence, eat pear as a fruit rather than adding it to sugar and refined flour. Not to forget the taste of Pear and caramel tarte tatin, you can eat it once in a while but eat pear regularly.

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